Seriously, I was all set to go to the gym, but… I literally couldn’t pass up this beautiful spring day. In Chicagoland, not going outside on a sunny, slightly breezy, 75° day is at least a venial sin, so I put on some sunscreen and a ball cap and headed out on the DuPage trail, taking the tour into Ackerman Park. It was a really nice 2.75 miles and it took around an hour.
This was the first decent walk I’ve taken since my plantar’s fasciitis flared up last month. I did some stretching after the walk, and it felt okay. Definitely has some healing still to do, but it didn’t really keep me from walking today.
Bonus: I was able to stop at the softball field in Ackerman Park named after my dad, and I got to say hello to him, at least in spirit. He is gone 17 years yesterday, and I still miss telling him everything.
So all in all, this was a good reason to skip the gym, and I feel rejuvenated in body and spirit.